Peralta Blvd, Fremont
General Plan Amendment – Underutilized Site
WGV assisted a builder client in assembling multiple properties and changing their land use designation to accommodate development of a 52-unit townhome program. The 2.5 acre site consisted of an awkward combination of older single family homes and commercial uses along a busy thoroughfare; this mix of uses required a General Plan Amendment to accommodate the residential project. In addition, the site’s development faced community opposition because one of the homes was once the residence of popular local historic figure.
WGV coordinated the design of the residential program and obtained its approval through significant outreach efforts with the community and city. WGV also met with a local historical group and ultimately proposed relocating the historical figure’s house to another lot within the neighborhood; that home was then moved, remodeled and is currently occupied. In addition, the WGV helped facilitate the relocation of retail businesses that were affected by the site’s development. Ultimately, the program was approved by the city and completed construction in 2022.